About Us

The Wandsworth Society is a well established non-political amenity group covering the central part of the Borough of Wandsworth, including the town centre, Wandsworth Common, Earlsfield and Southfields. This area features the lower reaches of the River Wandle and a stretch of the Thames. The core aims are to safeguard the character, quality and integrity of the built environment, open spaces and river banks. 

The Society believes in creating a positive sense of place based on the great potential of our heritage and riverside assets which strengthen our community and add to our wellbeing.

We keep in touch with members through our Online Newsletter (printed if requested), and sociable monthly talks and visits. We welcome new members.

The Society holds monthly meetings which are open to all, publishes a regular series of newsletters and organises outings and social events for members.

Our latest Newsletters is here while past Newsletters are shown under the Newsletters tab.

Registered charity number 263737.  .