Our Aims

The Society aims to:

  • Safeguard the character, quality and integrity of the built environment, open spaces and river access in the central part of the Borough of Wandsworth.
  • To raise community awareness of conservation and sensitive local development policies.
  • Contribute to local debate on environment and transport matters. To liaise with Wandsworth Borough Council, the GLA and TfL to ensure that in their planning practice they recognise and protect the  neighbourhood character and townscape.
  • Campaign for improved traffic management, public transport, cycle facilities, reduction of air pollution and noise.
  • Highlight and preserve local heritage and support cultural activities.
  • Inform the community of concerns and threats to the above issues.
  • Provide our members with activities that enhance their enjoyment of living in the community of Central Wandsworth.

The Society is a registered charity and is governed by an Executive Committee of no more than 12 members. Their regular meetings, shown on the calendar, are open to all members to attend. The Executive Committee are re-elected formally at the AGM each March.