Social Events & Talks

The Society holds a regular range of events. There are nine open meetings a year – normally in our regular venue, West Side Church, and usually on the second Thursday of the month at 8pm – with refreshments offered before the talk. These talks cover a range of topics of local and national interest including themes to tie in with other local events such as the Wandsworth Arts Fringe and Heritage Festival. Non members are welcome at the speaker meetings.

In addition we hold a handful of classical music soirees, outings to places of interest, a couple of walks a year and social events at Christmas and in the Summer to help members get to know one another.

All these events, some of which may require booking, are advertised on this website, on an optional monthly flyer email flyer  and in hard copy newsletter posted on this site and delivered to those who wish to have one. Talks and outings are free of charge unless a visit involves and entrance ticket and booking is only required where numbers are limited. Socials and soirees are charged at cost.

Events are organised by the Events Group, chaired by Caroline Pook. To contact them to book an event, make an enquiry or make suggestions click here  .