The Society has lodged a full objection to application 2022/3954 for a mixed use proposal alongside the River Wandle to include 646 dwellings in a block up to 30 storeys and up to 4,555sqm of non-residential floorspace with associated works.
The Wandle Piscators
On Thursday 9 February David O’Hanlon, Chairman of the Wandle Piscators, gave a fascinating talk on the work of this recently reinvigorated Society whose prime function is to better the Wandle for anglers. However they are to be applauded for their work to improve biodiversity for everyone and their emerging interaction with young people in areas of deprivation in Merton and Sutton. To view the talk, see below:
The Piscators latest news see
Independent Bookshops
On 12th January around 70 members and friends attended a fascinating session when Libby Spurrier expertly interviewed Venetia Vyvyan, owner of the Barnes Bookshop, and Tom Rowley who has recently opened the Backstory book shop in Balham High Road. It was a fascinating insight into the trials, tribulations and pleasure of owning an indepenent bookshop in the current climate. A recording of the session is available here:
Pubs of Wandsworth
On 10 November Phil Evison, a local historian, gave an interesting talk to the Society on the present and past pubs of Wandsorth and the historic links with the Ram Brewery. To view the talk please follow the link