Comments on the latest consultation of the Local Plan, assembled by Planning Group member Cyril Richert, have been submitted to Wandsworth Council and the co-ordinators on behalf of the Planning Inspectorate. To view the letter see:
2023 AGM
The the Chairman’s address and the minutes of the Society’s AGM which took place on 9 March are posted here:
Talk on Madagascar by John Gimlette
Following the AGM, travel writer and local resident John Gimlette gave the Society a fascinating talk on his travels in the extraordinarly large and diverse island of Madgascar. These are chronicled in his latest book ‘The Gardens of Mars, Madagacar an Island Story’.
As well as visiting every corner of the island, he journeys deep into its past in order to better understand how Madagascar became what it is today. Along the way, he meets politicians, sorcerers, gem prospectors, militiamen, rioters, lepers and the descendants of seventeenth-century pirates.
To see the presentation:
The Society’s AGM
The Annual General Meeting was held on 9 March. Philip Whyte was elected as the Chair and Richard Pook was re-elected as Treasurer. With no nominations, the post of Vice-Chair and Secretary remain vacant.
A recording of the business element of the meeting may be viewed here together with the annual accounts for 2022.

Society Objection to Proposal for Gas Works Site Swandon Way
The Society has lodged a full objection to application 2022/3954 for a mixed use proposal alongside the River Wandle to include 646 dwellings in a block up to 30 storeys and up to 4,555sqm of non-residential floorspace with associated works.