The Society have commented on a proposal for two blocks of student accommodation for 434 individuals on a site alongside the River Wandle.
Author: Caroline Pook
The Gasworks site, Armoury Way
The Society has followed up the earlier objection to the proposal to develop this Wandle Delta site for housing and mixed uses. The objection to Application No 2022/3954 can be seen here.
The Earlsfield Foodbank
On 27 November Sue Knowles, chair of the trustees on the Earlsfield Foodbank gave an excellent talk on the work that she and her colleagues do in supporting the less fortunate in that part of Wandsworth. For information on how to volunteer or donate please see
Ron Elam collection of Local Yesterdays.
Many will remember the stall on Bellevue Parade where Ron Elam used to be on a Saturday selling items from his mass of historic postcards of South London views. This unique and irreplaceable collection was recently auctioned. We were concerned that if the collection was broken up the loss to our knowledge of the heritage of the area would be lost. Therefore, in collaboration with the Friends of Wandsworth Common, we have jointly acquired 897 postcards.
There’s a fair amount of work involved in just sifting through the 8 albums. Details of how to view them, for anyone who wants to see them now, and what to do with them all need to be resolved in the near future. The proposal is to ensure that these are held for public access.
Ambulances to Ukraine
On 23 October Jonathan Callaway gave a talk with slides about his his involvement with the charity Medical Life Lines Ukraine (MLLU). They organise convoys of refurbished ambulances containing medical suplies, and driven by volunteers, including the speaker.
This engaging and moving talk ended with collection for MLLU; Jonathan extended his thanks to all who had generously donated