Shakespeare in the Squares

The Shakespeare in the Squares performances (sponsored by the Wandsworth Society) were kicked off by a fascinating talk from Sioned Jones, Director of this year’s production of All’s Well That Ends Well. Her talk, titled What’s in a Name? , can be viewed here:

July Meeting report

As a change from our regular hall based meetings, John Dawson, aided by representatives of both the South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust and the housing developer, led a walk around the part-completed Springfield Village development. This is evolving gradually from the site of the former hospital buildings and the old London Golf Centre. The hospital is making a £150m investment which will sit at the centre of the site surrounded by new build housing, converted historic hospital buildings and a 32 acre park which is already open, in part, to the public.

The Society’s AGM

The Annual General Meeting was held on 9 March. Philip Whyte was elected as the Chair and Richard Pook was re-elected as Treasurer. With no nominations, the post of Vice-Chair and Secretary remain vacant.

A recording of the business element of the meeting may be viewed here together with the annual accounts for 2022.