St Anne’s Church, Wandsworth, Bi-Centenary

To celebrate this event the Society held a joint meeting with the Vicar and congregation of the church looking at both the history of this distinctive Waterloo Church and a review of the architectural issues of making church buildings relevant to today’s worshippers and communities.

To view a recording of the meeting see

Wimbledon All England Club Expansion

The All England Club’s controversial plans to build 39 new tennis courts, including an 8,000 seat stadium, on protected open land has been approved.

Merton Council approved the plans, but the proposal was referred to the GLA after Wandsworth Council rejected the scheme last November. However the GLA officers recommended approval and Jules Pipe, the deputy mayor of London, approved the plan. The Society made representations against the proposal along with the Wimbledon Society and many others. The objectors are considering what steps, if any, remain available to continue the case.

The Wandle Piscators

On Thursday 9 February David O’Hanlon, Chairman of the Wandle Piscators, gave a fascinating talk on the work of this recently reinvigorated Society whose prime function is to better the Wandle for anglers. However they are to be applauded for their work to improve biodiversity for everyone and their emerging interaction with young people in areas of deprivation in Merton and Sutton. To view the talk, see below:

The Piscators latest news see