Shakespeare in the Squares

Following their successful Summer tour, the company are now presenting their inaugural Winter Season in churches including St Anne’s. It is an all new production of Macbeth, infused with “wicked music and devilishly good tunes”.

They will be here on Saturday 9 November with performances at 3pm and 7pm. Tickets from shakespearein the

Shakespeare in the Squares

The Shakespeare in the Squares performances (sponsored by the Wandsworth Society) were kicked off by a fascinating talk from Sioned Jones, Director of this year’s production of All’s Well That Ends Well. Her talk, titled What’s in a Name? , can be viewed here:

July Meeting report

As a change from our regular hall based meetings, John Dawson, aided by representatives of both the South West London and St George’s Mental Health Trust and the housing developer, led a walk around the part-completed Springfield Village development. This is evolving gradually from the site of the former hospital buildings and the old London Golf Centre. The hospital is making a £150m investment which will sit at the centre of the site surrounded by new build housing, converted historic hospital buildings and a 32 acre park which is already open, in part, to the public.