A strong turn out was present to re-elect the Chair and Executive who all agreed to stand again. The Treasurer was please to tell us that there had been an annual surplus in the 2018/19 year of £1,299 and that reserves stand at some £16,000. The AGM was followed by a fascinating illustrated talk by Iain Gray on follies.
Application for 20 storey tower at 86-96 Garratt Lane
In 2017 an application was made for this mainly residential tower in the town centre on a small site between “Pocket Living” and Garratt Lane, and alongside the Wandle. The application – with subsequent minor amendments – is now close to being determined. With large petitions from resident groups and over a hundred individual objections, including those from the Wandsworth Society and the MP, the outcome looks interesting. Yet another new residential tower in Wandsworth Town Centre? Or power to the people? Wandsworth Council application 2017/0535.
Application to the High Court to quash approval for a third Heathrow runway rejected.
Following an application in the High Court on 11th March by a coalition of objectors including Wandsworth Council, to challenge the Secretary of State’s decision to back the the third runway, the application has been rejected. Friends of the Earth are planning to challenge the decision.
February 2019 newsletter
Our February newsletter with reports on the January meeting on the past, present and future of Battersea Power Station, a Society member’s challenging 1,000km journey by bike on the west coast of Australia, news on the Huguenot burial ground and the future of Arding & Hobbs, and more …
Public meeting 20 February on Heathrow Noise
Justine Greening, MP for Putney, will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday, 20 February at 7pm at the Community Church in Werter Road, Putney.
Heathrow has published a consultation on its future operations with proposals for how it will operate three runways at an expanded airport and plans for the design of airspace to accommodate that, but also proposals for how to use its two existing runways in the meantime. There is a postcode checker on [email protected] the consultation website which can show you where the new flightpaths could be and how they’d affect you. The consultation runs until 4 March 2019 and is online at www.heathrowconsultation.com. You can also email views to [email protected].