
Public meeting 20 February on Heathrow Noise

Justine Greening, MP for Putney, will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday, 20 February at 7pm at the Community Church in Werter Road, Putney.

Heathrow has published a consultation on its future operations with proposals for how it will operate three runways at an expanded airport and plans for the design of airspace to accommodate that, but also proposals for how to use its two existing runways in the meantime.  There is a postcode checker on [email protected] the consultation website which can show you where the new flightpaths could be and how they’d affect you. The consultation runs until 4 March 2019 and is online at You can also email views to [email protected].

Wandsworth on the road to be a leader in electric car charging

Work is now underway on a major project to install new electric vehicle charging sockets in around 250 street lights across the borough.

Wandsworth’s goal of becoming the best place in London to own an electric vehicle has been boosted by the signing of a contract with electronics giant Siemens to install this charging infrastructure as part of a £400,000 deal.

This will give EV owners two options in terms of connection. They can either use a ubitricity cable which also brings the customer’s own electricity tariff, or they can use a standard cable, scan the QR code at the charge point with their mobile phone or tablet and charge via DirectAccess, the pay-as-you-go-option.

This latest investment in is helping the council meet its target of delivering nearly 900 on-street charging points in total.

Aircraft noise consultation

An 8 week consultation is underway on noise impact of new flight patterns. which will bring 35,000 additional flights to Heathrow. Just one of these consultation events will be in our Borough and residents are urged to attend the event on Wednesday 30 January at at the Elm Grove Conference Centre in the University of Roehampton, SW15 5PH 2pm-8pm. Written consultation is available on