Author: Caroline Pook
Green The Grid
Thursday this week brought out a record January attendance of 55 people to hear Nina Kowalska tell us about the Font Garden Friendly initiative that she leads on the Southfields Grid (those streets to the south of Southfields tube station). Their aim is to create London’s first front garden friendly neighbourhood and to spread the word to other areas. This is not just an idea to prettify the area but to create an an eco friendly area to improve air quality, plant for wellbeing, encourage wildlife and reduce flooding risk with permeable garden surfaces. To learn more see
Springfield University Hospital.
South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust (SWLSTG) announced on Monday that it secured government approval to start work on its £150 million development.
SWLSTG has already started construction work on this programme, which will include 839 new homes and a 32-acre public park set to open in 2022.
Ann Beasley CBE, Chairperson of SWLSTG said: “This is the biggest landmark yet in our Estate Modernisation Programme and we are extremely proud of getting permission to go ahead and being able to start work on these brand-new, first class inpatient facilities.
Putney General Election Hustings
The Southfields Grid Residents’ Association have organised election hustings for the Putney Constituency at St Barnabas Church, 146 Lavenham Road, SW18 5EP on Monday 9 December at 8 pm (doors open at 7.30 pm).
Four Putney candidates are be attending : Fleur Anderson (Labour), Fergal McEntee (Green), Will Sweet (Conservative) and Sue Wixley (Lib Dem) . Questions can be submitted in advance, by Friday 6 December, to [email protected].
Jaggard Way application refused
The application for outline planning consent for the demolition of the existing small business units and the redevelopment of the site, for a mixed use scheme of 72 homes, was refused yesterday, 27 November against officers’ recommendation to permit the proposal. The Society’s objections highlighted the inappropriate nature of the development on the edge of the conservation area and the loss of significant employment space.