Visit to the Ram Quarter
40 members enjoyed a visit to The Ram Quarter on 21 October for a talk by Chantel Palmer and John Hatch. John is the master Brewer in residence on the site, ensuring that brewing continues in the old stable building while the new brewing suite is completed.
Walk & Visit: Harmondsworth Great Barn and site of the third runway
On Sunday 14 October a group of members went to see for themselves the site planned for the third Heathrow runway. While visiting Harmondsworth’s Grade 1 Listed, cathedral sized, barn (dated1427), we met a resident of the village whose last twenty-five years have been ones of constant friction seeing off three attempts to have the runway built. Attempt three remains in limbo. We learnt, to our astonishment, that the new runway would be built within 250 metres of the barn, the mediaeval church and the few houses to remain in the planned, truncated village.
Meeting Report: Thomas Cromwell
On Thursday 11 October a joint meeting was held with the Putney Society, and organised by the Wandsworth Historical Society, when Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch spoke to a packed audience of 250 people about local boy Thomas Cromwell.
October Soiree
Christina McMaster on piano, Charis Jenson on violin Kirsten Jenson on cello played Mozast. Debussy and Schumann to a packed house in Patten Road on 7 October. Soirees generally take place on Sunday evenings and, thanks to the generosity of Arjan and Stefan Byron, in Patten Road. For details of the programme and booking contact Peter Farrow here.