
Meeting Report: Recycling, a Wandsworth Overview

On Thursday 13 September our season of meetings kicked off with a fascinating talk by Michael Singham, Waste Strategy Manager, Wandsworth and Richmond Councils. he covered a range of issues of interest, finishing by answering a number of questions on rubbish. The meeting was followed by a very popular trip to the Western Riverside Waste Authority Recycling Centre; another visit is being organised for early 2019 to fulfil demand from those unable to go on the first trip.

Meeting Report: Capability Brown’s Wimbledon Park

The evening of 6 June saw our contribution to the 2018 Wandsworth Heritage Festival – for which this year’s theme was parks and open spaces. Dave Dawson presented a fascinating talk on the historic landscape around Wimbledon Park. Very little of Capability Brown’s landscape remains, notably the lake, but it used to extend right up to Wimbledon Common. Remnants remain today. For a full report of the talk see the June/July newsletter.