
Sambrooks open in the Ram Quarter

The independent Sambrook’s brewery has pulled the first pint in its new home at the Ram quarter ensuring that a 500 year history of beer making on that site continues.

The company has relocated from Battersea to launch its new brewhouse and bottle shop, with a taproom to follow late this year. The first Sambrooks beer to be brewed on the site is its original ‘Wandle Ale’, named after the river.

Alongside its state-of-the-art brewing facilities, Sambrook’s is opening a heritage centre in mid-May where visitors will have the chance to look ‘behind the barrels’ at how its ales are made, enjoy tours and try their hand at beermaking with a ‘be a brewer for the day’ experience.

Talk on the Royal Victoria Patriotic Building

On a freezing snowy evening 80+ people sat in the warmth of theiir own homes to hear Mark Justin give a fascinating talk on the history of this iconic building and tell us about its use today. A full report will be available in our March newsletter.

Mark, the owner of Le Gothique Restaurant, believes he is the longest serving pub landlord in London. Once we are permitted, the restaurant and bar will re-open and is well worth a visit whether for a drink or meal and enjoy the peaceful garden.

Pre-publication Draft Local Plan

The draft Local Plan opened for consultation on 4 January and comments need to be submitted by 1 March. Comments are invited from members of the public as well as the Civic societies and others.

A full response will be made by the Wandsworth Society but members and others are encouraged to review the documents 0n and make their own responses, preferably through the on-line consultation portal (see the above link).

Virtual tour of the WRWA

On 28 January members were taken on a fascinating virtual tour of the Western Riverside Waste Authority site in Smugglers Way by Jon Long the Education Officer.

In order to see a short film to accompany the site visit For opening times see but note that from Monday 15 March you will need to book in order to do your recycling. You can discover where you can recycle specific items in the Wandsworth area on To see what the charity Rework do to recycle unwanted furniture, bikes and white goods do see   A graphic which shows the destinations your recycling is sent can be seen on