
Coronavirus hits Wandsworth’s parks

Firstly, after thousands flocked to our parks over the Mother’s Day weekend, the takeaway refreshment services in the park cafes closed on Monday 23rd March. And then came the PM on the same evening, perhaps influenced the pictures of crowds on the commons and parks of South West London, restricting walking in groups and outdoor meetings. The latest position in Wandsworth is that although parks are still open playgrounds, outdoor gyms, toilets and other facilities are shut.

Although a day later there are lots of genuine exercisers including walkers, runners, cyclists, roller skaters, family ball game players and tai chi practitioners others read the single daily outing for “exercise” to mean sitting on a park bench enjoying the sunshine. But there is also some very foolish behaviour on display, like pairs of joggers coming from behind and squeezing between two walkers who have left a gap 3 metres apart and vigorous football played by a group of lads who are unlikely to all come from the same household.

It will be interesting to see whether we are to be asked to increase our vigilance over the coming weeks.

People’s Question Time for Wandsworth on 11 March

There will be an opportunity to question the London Mayor Sadiq Kahn and members of the London Assembly at Battersea Arts Centre on Wednesday 11 March. The session starts at 7pm and will be chaired by our Assembly Member Leonie Cooper.

For details and booking (which is essential) see


Third Heathrow runway thrown in to doubt

Following the case brought by environmental groups, councils (including Wandsworth) and the GLA, the court of appeal has ruled that the government’s decision to allow the expansion of Heathrow was unlawful because it did not take climate commitments into account. The judges said that in future, a third runway could go ahead, as long as it fits with the UK’s climate policy.

The airport owners have said that they will appeal against the decision.